BURGALESA DEL POLIESTER S.L., better known as BUPOLSA, has an experience of more than 35 years of own manufacture, and also 45 years of experience of our technicians in the production of TANKS OF POLIESTER REINFORCED WITH FIBERGLASS, for use in the chemical and food industry, storage of fuels, liquids and solids in general, water or gas purification equipment, etc…
Over the years we have specialized in special fabrications, with greater engineering requirements for the design of them with a high level of specialization and quality. Becoming a reference company within the sector of wastewater treatment, adjusting to the technical needs of each company that creates a system of purification, storage of chemicals, industrial processes, desalination, equipment for biogas plants, and so on.
Our production facilities are located in Burgos, divided into two industrial plants, one in Burgos capital and the other 45km away, in Melgar de Fernamental, covering a total of 30,000 m2 for the manufacture, assembly and storage of our equipment, of which 9,000 m2 are production warehouses. Two other companies also belong to the BUPOLSA group: MELGAPOL related to the manufacture of GRP parts by moulding and MANTEPLAS manufacturer of all the metallic parts and structures of the tanks manufactured by BUPOLSA, manufacturing each metallic element of each piece of equipment to measure and therefore providing the client with a more complete product and adjusted to their needs.