Eurosilos (SES)

BUPOLSA’s Eurosilos are made of fiberglass reinforced polyester (GRP) and are the most economical range since they are manufactured by molding. In this way, these eurosilos are formed from two assembled halves which have been manufactured by simultaneous projection of polyester and fiberglass, reducing costs due to the standardization of the process.

These tanks are arranged on a sturdy metal structure that is securely anchored to the floor (installation instructions). Normally, they are thought for the discharge on a vehicle allowing the accessibility of the same. This structure can be equipped with all necessary accessories for each customer and are supplied with shaft ladders and banisters. Metal walkways can also be provided in order to communicate each other at the top.


The advantages of PRFV fiberglass reinforced polyester silos compared to conventional steel silos are:

  • Lower cost
  • Completely smooth interiors and very rich in polyester
  • High mechanical and corrosion resistance
  • No maintenance required
  • Invariable to changes in time and temperature
  • Prevent condensation
  • Perfect evacuation
  • Visible storage level
  • Totally neutral flavour and odour
  • Light weight
  • Longer duration


The storage volume range is standardized by the manufacturing process. Thus, we can offer the following capacities:

bupolsa EUROSILO cone 60º
Ø (mm) CAPACITY (litres) HIGHT (mm)
1.860 7.500 4.830
2.025 10.000 5.600
2.300 12.000 5.650
2.320 15.000 5.950
2.320 17.500 6.700
2.370 21.000 7.070

* Illustrative table. To consult more capacities-dimensions, please contact our technical service.


Applications: the use of these eurosilos is very common with a varied field of application, being the storage of solid substances the most frequent.

  • Grain
  • Pellets
  • Salt
  • Feed
  • Flour
  • Sugar

Here are the instructions for its correct installation: Download

PDF Sheet

 Product Sheet PDF